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For our Viewer's sake...
If you have any ideas or any suggestions or anything in the world you want to tell us about, email me GoneToHellToday@yahoo.com

I'll be glad to hear from you.
Thanks, Jason & Co.

About Us:
Jason Yang - Some dude who was just trying to have fun by creating this site for viewers like you.
Mike Yang - My brother. I beat him.
Orin Chatto - Some dude who can draw. I beat him also.
Gordon Anderson - Canadian.
Kia Farboody - Long time friend. Also Canadian.
Cameron Bambearrow - Best friend who is obsessed with Mario.
Mark Patterson - We had some fun times in Mrs. Heukrodt's class. Keep up the tennis!
Josh Bernstein - Yo, that was a rare time when we saw each other driving. (lol)
Jon Wu - His nickname is "Wumeister." (Its a inside joke)
Charlie Harrison - Dude, this guy is so funny at times. Boy, those were the classic moments.
Courtney Bentow - Diablo II: LOD partner. Except the time when he jacked my stuff!
Arya Asemanfar - This is Amy Katznelson's best friend and I'll add your last name later.

Cassie Rene - She likes a guy named Shawn Green, he some baseball player for the Dodgers, and in the next few years shes gonna marry him, and I'll just be the chef. She is so nice to be with and I feel that she is really special almost as if she was the perfect person.
Allison Strull - aka "Alli" Well, Alli and I have been friends for like 5 years, I gotta hand it to you, shes changed. She changed in a good way, to a more sophisticated young lady. (Shes has her own personal bodyguard, so what does that tell you?)
Karen Levy - Shes mad at me for something. I have no idea what. But, i just heard shes got a new crush... (I think its some temple dude) Ask her. She knows. Oh, and another thing, she thinks IM HER BITCH!
Alicia Fiebig - She has 2 lives. 1, she lives life as 14 year-old girl. In the other life, she lives in the underworld as the devil.
Stephanie Short - She's the nicest person out in Calabasas, shes been my friend for like 8 months only, but I feel like I known her for a lot longer period of time. I also think shes a very good friend to be so lucky to have and shes fun to hang around with.
Jen Woo- Ever since she came to CHS, I felt like i have been mean to her, so this is my way of saying I'm sorry, but she's is like so sweet and if you just know her, it'll feel like she's a different person then you ever met. (In good way, and we go to like the same english school and chinese school, funny eh?)
Amy Katznelson - I just met her this year, shes "sisters" with Alii Strull, and just as smart and kind. (I feel so stupid) Well, also my desk has been her footstool also.
Ashley Doudna - She is so funny. I love her so much, she'll be there when you need someone to talk to, need some advice. Thanks! (Lee Cheifer says "hi" and your brother beats me up for no apparent reason!)
Amanda Vann - Ex-Cheerleader, She is a assisant for Mr. Meinhardt, Dancer, She'll kick ur ass if u tick her off.

I would like to shout out to my friends in LA.
Shout outs to Peiter Broodryk in Seattle.Dude, come back to LA. Stay with Diablo II.
Yo Muz Husain, Yo, how's San Fransisco or Sacremento or whatever hell you live.
And to my longtime hot friend Lauren Miles, who is in Florida, Watch out for the alligators and crocadiles!
And uh Lauren.... You owe me for..you know.. you'll figure it out.
Lee Cheifer - He has changed into a hippie, seriously he hasn't cut his hair in about 6 months.
Ian Lofton - This guy is so funny, also a good sports fan. GO ANGELS!!
Shane Hunter - Dude, wherever you are, good luck.
And many other shoutouts to Agoura friends...
Nik Castillo - Im coming over for the DSL!
Alex Baker - Dude, we gotta get some better matches...
Mike Sharon - Plz man. Get a haircut!
Eva - Dude, don't worry, you're still gay.
Dates To Remember:

August 26-27:
Charlies Birthday Party: Everyones asleep, except for Kia and me. Time is 3:54.

August 28:
School's on fire.

ctober 17:
I just lost the biggest game. GAY!